Hi, I'm ahann.
I'm a Web Developer
I'm a web developer with a strong passion for continuous learning and collaboration, actively seeking new opportunities. Let's connect!
Allo! I'm Farhan Brillan Widyakirana, and I'm a web developer with a strong passion for continuous learning and collaboration, actively seeking new opportunities.
I have experience working in both the mobile and web development worlds, with a focus on backend development. I'm passionate about building robust, scalable systems that handle complex data processing efficiently.
My expertise encompasses Node.js, PHP/Laravel, Go-lang, MongoDB, Docker, and SQL for backend development. Additionally, I possess proficiency in front-end technologies such as React, Vue.js, and Next.js, enabling me to craft comprehensive full-stack applications.
I'am continuously seeking fresh challenges and opportunities to expand my skills and evolve as a developer. If you're keen on collaborating or have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out. I'm eager to connect and explore potential ventures together! 🔗
Use at work
Use for fun
Design databases, build Express (Node.js) REST APIs, deploy servers on VPS via GitLab CI, configure with Nginx, and collaborate with frontend developers for seamless application functionality.